Photo credit: Lanien Livingston
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How the Fairbanks Area Citizen Corps Partners with the Interior Alaska
Unified Command to support COVID-19
The unified command structure is part of the incident command structure that is used for disaster management and functions to communicate the needs of the Interior.
This Interior Alaska Unified Command is partnering with the Fairbanks Area Citizen Corps through the Community Support Branch to ensure consistent communication with the public to identify the needs within the community and to identify the resources that are needed to tackle that need.
The group is spearheaded by Fairbanks Memorial Hospital and the Tanana Chiefs Conference and counts the cities of Fairbanks and North Pole, as well as the borough, among its membership. It also includes the Fairbanks Native Association and the Interior Community Health Center.
Thank You
to all who have donated and volunteered to support our extraordinary health care workers, first responders and others serving our vulnerable populations who are fighting COVID-19 on the front lines.