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The Community Support Branch of the Interior Alaska Unified Command is partnering with Fairbanks Area Citizen Corps to coordinate donations with local hospitals and clinics, businesses, non-profits, families, and individuals from across the Interior that are making donations to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.


Many people want to help and we thank you for your interest. See below for a list of donation opportunities. 

Personal Protective Equipment Donations


(updated 4.14.2020)


  • 500 cloth masks for health care facility employees to wear OUTSIDE of work

  • Mask-making supplies

  • 50 Toothpastes (NEW)

  • 50 Bottles of Shampoo & Conditioner (NEW)

  • Decks of Cards (NEW)

  • Reading Books (NEW)

  • Word-search, Crossword or Sudoku Game Books (NEW)

  • Sweatpants (all sizes - NEW)

  • T-Shirts (all sizes - NEW



  • Cloth masks for individuals and families, small groups, and others

  • Mask-making supplies


  • Hand Sanitizer (large bottles, any amount)

  • Commercial Toilet Paper (as many as possible)

  • Laundry Detergent (any size)

EMS NEEDS (Emergency Management)​

  • Surgical Gowns

  • Nitrile or Latex Gloves

  • Face Shields


Please fill out the DONATE FORM if you, your company or community group are willing to donate goods and services to an agency in need (hospital, clinic, vulnerable populations, etc.). We are working to match offers of goods and services with community needs. The donation and volunteer coordination team will contact you if we identify a community need that matches your offer. 


We are seeking specific protective gear, which should be unused and in good condition.


Personal Protective
Equipment needed: 

  • N95 Masks

  • Surgical Masks

  • Procedure Masks

  • Face Shields

  • Splash Shields

  • Gowns

  • Hand Sanitizer

  • Disinfecting Wipes


Other goods and services needed:

  • Home-made face masks/covers

  • Fabric & Elastic for community mask-makers


NOTE: There are several community-led Facebook groups, quilters groups, etc. that are currently making and donating masks. If you are not yet connected with a community group, we would welcome your support. 


FHP Mask Action Alert.png

Special thanks to the many individuals and businesses who have already donated countless hours and materials.

Homemade Community Masks: Make & Wear or To Make & Donate

We appreciate the community’s interest in making and donating cloth masks for use by community members. Foundation Health Partners and the Fairbanks Area Community Emergency Response Team are partnering to provide education, collection, sanitation, and distribution of donated hand-sewn fabric masks.


What does MASK UP mean?

The most important part of MASKING UP is
covering your nose and mouth when in public.
You don't need medical masks or to be an
expert seamstress to start masking up today. 




We have instructions and recommended videos for those who wish to make-your-own or make-to-donate.  

Make-to-donate masks will be collected, sanitized and distributed by the Fairbanks Area Community Emergency Response Team.


**Please NOTE, we do not currently have an inventory of fabric and elastic, but would welcome those donations to provide to volunteers making masks. 


For collection and questions, please contact:


Make a Financial Donation to the COVID-19 Response Fund

With the expected surge in coronavirus-related cases, the United Way of the Tanana Valley is taking critical steps to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our Interior community members. Your gift, of any size, can make a significant impact on our current needs.


The COVID-19 Response Fund set up through the United Way of the Tanana Valley supports members of our Interior community who are struggling in the economic fallout from the pandemic. Donations will rapidly be deployed to non-profit agencies working to provide food, shelter, and other basic human necessities throughout the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


100% of the dollars contributed to this emergency response fund will go directly to organizations providing services. Design Alaska has generously offered to pay all credit processing fees to help make this possible!


Please use the donation form on the United Way COVID-19 page, or send a check to PO Box 74396, Fairbanks, AK, 99707. If you do choose to send a check, please send us a quick message so that we can add your donation to the total immediately.

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